project description: Coara marang solar plant


Large Scale Solar (LSS3) scheme issued by Suruhanjaya Tenaga (Energy Commission of Malaysia).

Project Development: Coara Solar Sdn.Bhd./ibvogt GmbH

Location: The power plant is located in Marang, Terengganu – in north-east of Peninsular Malaysia, comprising of 245 hectares.

Technology: High-class bifacial technology mounted on single-axis trackers, in order to achieve maximum energy production efficiency. Once operational in Q1, 2022, Coara Marang will deliver circa 230 GWh of clean energy per year and avoid more than 170,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum.

Installed Capacity: 116MWp

Development: August 2018 – December 2020

Commissioning Date: Q1, 2022

Solar Production: ~230,000,000 KWh/year [230 GWH]