Coara Solar Wins Malaysia's Inaugural Launch Of The Virtual Power Purchase Agreement Programme (CGPP)
August 7th 2023
Coara Solar is very excited to announce that we have received the CGPP corporate green power program) award for the implementation of 29.99MWac capacity of Solar Power in Kuala Muda, Kedah. The CGPP marks the beginning of a new era towards more liberalization of the energy market in Malaysia. It is good news for the domestic consumers as well as for all corporate consumers who have decided to accelerate a decarbonising of their productions towards their GHG (greenhouse gases) emission reduction goals. The Malaysian Government has taken on the role of planning the future of the green energy policies in Malaysia.
As pioneers in developing solar projects in Malaysia, we are enthusiastic to proactively engage with all stake holders to support the implementation and expansion of the CGPP scheme towards increase sustainability for the economy and the environment. It will be encouraging for us to witness new business models that will shape the energy market in the future.
Malaysia and the world are in the midst of an unprecedented energy transition where infrastructure upgrades in transmission and distribution networks and change in policies will become necessary to achieve the RE generation and GHG emission reduction goals set in the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NET). The funds paid for renewable energy certificates will need to be invested to reduce the worlds carbon foot print. It is necessary to allocate huge amounts of money to remove the waste in the atmosphere (the excess gases emitted beyond the natural balance – “radiative forcing”), that is CO2, CFC’s among other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous Oxid.
Infrastructure upgrade costs, Green Hydrogen production, OTEC, Geothermal, Carbon Capture and energy storage technologies are very expensive, yet required and without alternative to keep the earth in balance before the tipping point of no return is reached.